From a bytes array:
You can create Bytes
objects by wrapping a native byte array:
Bytes bytes = Bytes.wrap(new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4});
Note the underlying array is not copied - any change to the byte array will change the Bytes object’s behavior.
You can also wrap with an offset and a size to select a portion of the array:
// wrapping with an offset of 2 and a size of one byte
Bytes bytes = Bytes.wrap(new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4}, 2, 1);
From a hex string:
You can create Bytes
objects from a hexadecimal-encoded string with the fromHexString
Bytes bytes = Bytes.fromHexString("0xdeadbeef");
The "0x"
prefix is optional.
However, this requires an even-sized string. For example, this succeeds:
Bytes bytes = Bytes.fromHexString("01FF2A");
This fails:
Bytes bytes = Bytes.fromHexString("1FF2A");
You can circumvent this with the fromHexStringLenient
Bytes bytes = Bytes.fromHexStringLenient("1FF2A");
From a base64-encoded string:
You can create Bytes
objects from a base64-encoded string with the fromBase64String
Bytes value = Bytes.fromBase64String("deadbeefISDAbest");
From primitive types
We also have convenience methods to create Bytes
objects from primitive types.
Bytes.of() takes a variadic argument of bytes:
Bytes value = Bytes.of(0x00, 0x01, 0xff, 0x2a);
Bytes value = Bytes.ofUnsignedInt(42);
More wrapping
Use Bytes.wrapByteBuf(buffer)
to wrap a Netty ByteBuf
object as a Bytes
ByteBuf buffer = Unpooled.buffer(42);
You can apply an offset and size parameter:
Bytes value = Bytes.wrapByteBuf(buffer, 1, 1);
Use Bytes.wrapByteBuffer(buffer)
to wrap a ByteBuffer
object as a Bytes
You can apply an offset and size parameter:
Bytes value = Bytes.wrapByteBuffer(buffer, 1, 1);
Use Bytes.wrapBuffer(buffer)
to wrap a Vert.x Buffer
object as a Bytes
You can apply an offset and size parameter:
Bytes value = Bytes.wrapBuffer(buffer, 1, 1);
You can create random bytes objects of a given length with the Bytes.random() method:
// create a Bytes object of 20 bytes:
Create a Bytes object with our own Random implementation:
Random random = new SecureRandom();
Bytes.random(20, random);