Apache Tuweni Community

Every volunteer project obtains its strength from the people involved in it. We invite you to participate as much or as little as you choose.

You can:

  • Use our project and provide a feedback.
  • Provide us with the use-cases.
  • Report bugs and submit patches.
  • Contribute code, javadocs, documentation.

Mailing list

Get help using Tuweni or contribute to the project on our mailing lists:

List Usage Subscribe Unsubscribe Archives
users@tuweni.apache.org usage questions, help, and announcements. subscribe unsubscribe archives
dev@tuweni.apache.org for people who want to contribute code to Tuweni subscribe unsubscribe archives
commits@tuweni.apache.org commit messages and patches subscribe unsubscribe archives

Issue tracker

We use Github for bug reports and feature requests, with (loading) issues.

# Title

Source Code

The project sources are accessible via the source code repository which is also mirrored at Apache.

Website Source Code

The project website sources are accessible via the website source code repository which is also mirrored at Apache.