The gossip
application is an example showing how the Plumtree gossip implementation functions.
is distributed as part of the binary distribution of Tuweni, which you can download from this page
./gossip --help
Usage: <main class> [-h] [--sending] [--numberOfMessages=<numberOfMessages>]
[--sendInterval=<sendInterval>] [-c=<configPath>]
[-l=<port>] [-m=<messageLog>] [-n=<networkInterface>]
[-r=<rpcPort>] [-p[=<peers>...]]...
Number of messages to publish (load testing)
Size of the random payload to send to other peers (load
--sending Whether this peer sends random messages to all other
peers (load testing)
Interval to wait in between sending messages in
milliseconds (load testing)
-c, --config=<configPath> Configuration file.
-h, --help Prints usage prompt
-l, --listen=<port> Port to listen on
-m, --messageLog=<messageLog>
Log file where messages are stored
-n, --networkInterface=<networkInterface>
Network interface to bind to
-p, --peer[=<peers>...] Static peers list
-r, --rpc=<rpcPort> RPC port to listen on
You can set up a gossip
app to listen with this command:
./gossip -l 9000 -m /tmp/log
In a separate shell, you can send messages to the listener with:
./gossip -l 9001 -p --sending --payloadSize=32 --numberOfMessages=10 -p tcp:// --sendInterval=1000
This will send 10 messages, of 32 random bytes each. Open the file /tmp/log
to see them.
You can create more complex scenarios with multiple gossip listeners, showing the path by which gossip circulates across peers.