tuweni / org.apache.tuweni.scuttlebutt.rpc / RPCRequestBody / <init>


RPCRequestBody(name: MutableList<String!>!, type: RPCRequestType!, args: MutableList<Any!>!)


name - MutableList<String!>!: the function to be in invoked. If the function is in a namespace, the first n-1 items in the array are the namespace followed by the function name (e.g. 'blobs.get' becomes ['blobs', 'get']). If the function is not in a namespace, it is an array with one item (e.g. ['createFeedStream'].

type - RPCRequestType!: the type of the request (e.g. stream or async.)

args - MutableList<Any!>!: The args passed to the function being invoked. Each item can be any arbitrary object which is JSON serializable (e.g. String, Int, list, object.)