tuweni / org.apache.tuweni.scuttlebutt.handshake.vertx / SecureScuttlebuttVertxClient / connectTo


fun <T : ClientHandler!> connectTo(port: Int, host: String!, @Nullable remotePublicKey: PublicKey?, @Nullable invite: Invite?, handlerFactory: ClientHandlerFactory<T>!): AsyncResult<T>! (source)

Connects the client to a remote host.


- the type of client handler

port - Int: the port of the remote host

host - String!: the host string of the remote host

remotePublicKey - PublicKey?: the public key of the remote host, may be null if an invite is used.

invite - Invite?: the invite to the server, may be null

handlerFactory - ClientHandlerFactory<T>!: the factory of handlers for connections

AsyncResult<T>!: a handle to a new stream handler with the remote host