tuweni / org.apache.tuweni.scuttlebutt.discovery / LocalIdentity / <init>


LocalIdentity(ip: String!, port: String!, id: Identity!)

Constructor for a local identity


ip - String!: the IP address associated with this local identity

port - String!: the port associated with this local identity

id - Identity!: the identity


NumberFormatException - if the port does not represent a number

IllegalArgumentException - if the port is not in the valid port range 0-65536

LocalIdentity(ip: String!, port: Int, id: Identity!)

Constructor for a local identity


ip - String!: the IP address associated with this local identity

port - Int: the port associated with this local identity

id - Identity!: the identity


IllegalArgumentException - if the port is not in the valid port range 0-65536

LocalIdentity(addr: InetSocketAddress!, id: Identity!)

Constructor for a local identity


addr - InetSocketAddress!: the address associated with this local identity

id - Identity!: the identity


NumberFormatException - if the port does not represent a number

IllegalArgumentException - if the port is not in the valid port range 0-65536