tuweni / org.apache.tuweni.rlpx / EthereumIESEncryptionEngine / <init>


EthereumIESEncryptionEngine(agree: BasicAgreement!, kdf: DerivationFunction!, mac: Mac!, commonMac: ByteArray!, cipher: BufferedBlockCipher!)

Set up for use in conjunction with a block cipher to handle the message. It is strongly recommended that the cipher is not in ECB mode.


agree - BasicAgreement!: the key agreement used as the basis for the encryption

kdf - DerivationFunction!: the key derivation function used for byte generation

mac - Mac!: the message authentication code generator for the message

commonMac - ByteArray!: the common MAC bytes to append to the mac

cipher - BufferedBlockCipher!: the cipher to used for encrypting the message