tuweni / org.apache.tuweni.ethstats / EthStatsReporter / <init>


EthStatsReporter(vertx: Vertx, id: String, ethstatsServerURIs: List<URI>, secret: String, name: String, node: String, port: Int, network: String, protocol: String, os: String, osVer: String, historyRequester: (List<UInt256>) -> Unit, timeSupplier: () -> Instant, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Default)

ETHNetStats reporting service.


vertx - a Vert.x instance, externally managed.

id - the id of the ethstats reporter for communications

ethstatsServerURIs - the URIs to connect to eth-netstats, such as ws://www.ethnetstats.org:3000/api. URIs are tried in sequence, and the first one to work is used.

secret - the secret to use when we connect to eth-netstats

name - the name of the node to be reported in the UI

node - the node name to be reported in the UI

port - the devp2p port exposed by this node

network - the network id

protocol - the version of the devp2p eth subprotocol, such as eth/63

os - the operating system on which the node runs

osVer - the version of the OS on which the node runs

historyRequester - a hook for ethstats to request block information by number.

timeSupplier - a function supplying time in milliseconds since epoch.

coroutineContext - the coroutine context of the reporter.