tuweni / org.apache.tuweni.crypto.sodium / XChaCha20Poly1305


class XChaCha20Poly1305 (source)

Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data using XChaCha20-Poly1305.

The XChaCha20-Poly1305 construction can safely encrypt a practically unlimited number of messages with the same key, without any practical limit to the size of a message (up to ~ 2^64 bytes).

As an alternative to counters, its large nonce size (192-bit) allows random nonces to be safely used.

For this reason, and if interoperability with other libraries is not a concern, this is the recommended AEAD construction.

This class depends upon the JNR-FFI library being available on the classpath, along with its dependencies. See https://github.com/jnr/jnr-ffi. JNR-FFI can be included using the gradle dependency 'com.github.jnr:jnr-ffi'.



A XChaCha20-Poly1305 key.

class Key : Destroyable


A XChaCha20-Poly1305 nonce.

class Nonce



Decrypt a message using a given key.

static fun decrypt(cipherText: Bytes!, key: Key!, nonce: Nonce!): Bytes?
static fun decrypt(cipherText: ByteArray!, key: Key!, nonce: Nonce!): ByteArray?
static fun decrypt(cipherText: Bytes!, data: Bytes!, key: Key!, nonce: Nonce!): Bytes?
static fun decrypt(cipherText: ByteArray!, data: ByteArray!, key: Key!, nonce: Nonce!): ByteArray?


Decrypt a message using a given key and a detached message authentication code.

static fun decryptDetached(cipherText: Bytes!, mac: Bytes!, key: Key!, nonce: Nonce!): Bytes!
static fun decryptDetached(cipherText: ByteArray!, mac: ByteArray!, key: Key!, nonce: Nonce!): ByteArray?
static fun decryptDetached(cipherText: Bytes!, mac: Bytes!, data: Bytes!, key: Key!, nonce: Nonce!): Bytes?
static fun decryptDetached(cipherText: ByteArray!, mac: ByteArray!, data: ByteArray!, key: Key!, nonce: Nonce!): ByteArray?


Encrypt a message for a given key.

static fun encrypt(message: Bytes!, key: Key!, nonce: Nonce!): Bytes!
static fun encrypt(message: ByteArray!, key: Key!, nonce: Nonce!): ByteArray!
static fun encrypt(message: Bytes!, data: Bytes!, key: Key!, nonce: Nonce!): Bytes!
static fun encrypt(message: ByteArray!, data: ByteArray!, key: Key!, nonce: Nonce!): ByteArray!


Encrypt a message for a given key, generating a detached message authentication code.

static fun encryptDetached(message: Bytes!, key: Key!, nonce: Nonce!): DetachedEncryptionResult!
static fun encryptDetached(message: ByteArray!, key: Key!, nonce: Nonce!): DetachedEncryptionResult!
static fun encryptDetached(message: Bytes!, data: Bytes!, key: Key!, nonce: Nonce!): DetachedEncryptionResult!
static fun encryptDetached(message: ByteArray!, data: ByteArray!, key: Key!, nonce: Nonce!): DetachedEncryptionResult!


Check if Sodium and the XChaCha20Poly1305 algorithm is available.

static fun isAvailable(): Boolean


Check if Sodium and the XChaCha20Poly1305 secret stream algorithm is available.

static fun isSecretStreamAvailable(): Boolean


Open an decryption stream.

static fun openDecryptionStream(key: Key!, header: ByteArray!): SecretDecryptionStream!


Open an encryption stream.

static fun openEncryptionStream(key: Key!): SecretEncryptionStream!