tuweni / org.apache.tuweni.crypto.mikuli / BLS12381


class BLS12381 (source)

This Boneh-Lynn-Shacham (BLS) signature implementation is constructed from a pairing friendly elliptic curve, the BLS12-381 curve. It uses parameters as defined in https://z.cash/blog/new-snark-curve and the points in groups G1 and G2 are defined https://github.com/zkcrypto/pairing/blob/master/src/bls12_381/README.md

This class depends upon the Apache Milagro library being available. See https://milagro.apache.org.

Apache Milagro can be included using the gradle dependency 'org.miracl.milagro.amcl:milagro-crypto-java'.



Generates a SignatureAndPublicKey.

static fun sign(keyPair: KeyPair!, message: ByteArray!, domain: Int): SignatureAndPublicKey!
static fun sign(keyPair: KeyPair!, message: Bytes!, domain: Int): SignatureAndPublicKey!


Verifies the given BLS signature against the message bytes using the public key.

static fun verify(publicKey: PublicKey!, signature: Signature!, message: ByteArray!, domain: Int): Boolean
static fun verify(publicKey: PublicKey!, signature: Signature!, message: Bytes!, domain: Int): Boolean
static fun verify(sigAndPubKey: SignatureAndPublicKey!, message: ByteArray!, domain: Int): Boolean
static fun verify(sigAndPubKey: SignatureAndPublicKey!, message: Bytes!, domain: Int): Boolean