class SchemaBuilder
This interface allows customers to determine a schema to associate with a configuration to validate the entries read from configuration files, and provide default values if no value is present in the configuration file.
addBoolean |
Add a boolean property to the schema. fun addBoolean(key: String!, defaultValue: Boolean?, description: String?, validator: PropertyValidator<in Boolean!>?): SchemaBuilder! |
addDefault |
Provide a default value for a property. fun addDefault(key: String!, value: Any!): SchemaBuilder! |
addDouble |
Add a double property to the schema. fun addDouble(key: String!, defaultValue: Double?, description: String?, validator: PropertyValidator<in Double!>?): SchemaBuilder! |
addInteger |
Add an integer property to the schema. fun addInteger(key: String!, defaultValue: Int?, description: String?, validator: PropertyValidator<in Int!>?): SchemaBuilder! |
addListOfBoolean |
Add a list-of-booleans property to the schema. fun addListOfBoolean(key: String!, defaultValue: MutableList<Boolean!>?, description: String?, validator: PropertyValidator<in MutableList<Boolean!>!>?): SchemaBuilder! |
addListOfDouble |
Add a list-of-doubles property to the schema. fun addListOfDouble(key: String!, defaultValue: MutableList<Double!>?, description: String?, validator: PropertyValidator<in MutableList<Double!>!>?): SchemaBuilder! |
addListOfInteger |
Add a list-of-integers property to the schema. fun addListOfInteger(key: String!, defaultValue: MutableList<Int!>?, description: String?, validator: PropertyValidator<in MutableList<Int!>!>?): SchemaBuilder! |
addListOfLong |
Add a list-of-longs property to the schema. fun addListOfLong(key: String!, defaultValue: MutableList<Long!>?, description: String?, validator: PropertyValidator<in MutableList<Long!>!>?): SchemaBuilder! |
addListOfMap |
Add a list-of-maps property to the schema. fun addListOfMap(key: String!, defaultValue: MutableList<MutableMap<String!, Any!>!>?, description: String?, validator: PropertyValidator<in MutableList<MutableMap<String!, Any!>!>!>?): SchemaBuilder! |
addListOfString |
Add a list-of-strings property to the schema. fun addListOfString(key: String!, defaultValue: MutableList<String!>?, description: String?, validator: PropertyValidator<in MutableList<String!>!>?): SchemaBuilder! |
addLong |
Add a long property to the schema. fun addLong(key: String!, defaultValue: Long?, description: String?, validator: PropertyValidator<in Long!>?): SchemaBuilder! |
addSection |
fun addSection(key: String!, section: Schema!): SchemaBuilder! |
addString |
Add a string property to the schema. fun addString(key: String!, defaultValue: String?, description: String?, validator: PropertyValidator<in String!>?): SchemaBuilder! |
create |
Get a new builder for a schema. static fun create(): SchemaBuilder! |
documentProperty |
Provide documentation for a property. fun documentProperty(key: String!, description: String!): SchemaBuilder! |
toSchema |
Return the fun toSchema(): Schema! |
validateConfiguration |
Add a configuration validator to the schema. fun validateConfiguration(validator: ConfigurationValidator!): SchemaBuilder! |
validateProperty |
Add a property validation to this schema. fun validateProperty(key: String!, validator: PropertyValidator<Any!>!): SchemaBuilder! |