tuweni / org.apache.tuweni.bytes / Bytes / and


open fun and(other: Bytes!): Bytes! (source)

Return a bit-wise AND of these bytes and the supplied bytes. If this value and the supplied value are different lengths, then the shorter will be zero-padded to the left.


other - Bytes!: The bytes to perform the operation with.

Bytes!: The result of a bit-wise AND.

open fun <T : MutableBytes!> and(other: Bytes!, result: T): T (source)

Calculate a bit-wise AND of these bytes and the supplied bytes.

If this value or the supplied value are shorter in length than the output vector, then they will be zero-padded to the left. Likewise, if either this value or the supplied valid is longer in length than the output vector, then they will be truncated to the left.


other - Bytes!: The bytes to perform the operation with.

result - T: The mutable output vector for the result.

- The MutableBytes value type.

T: The result output vector.